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Going Through WithdrawalWhat is withdrawal or “dope sickness”?
What are withdrawal symptoms?
How long will I be in withdrawal?
Can I die from withdrawal?
Coping With WithdrawalWhat if I’m scared to withdraw?
What can I do to stop withdrawal?
What are detox and treatment?
How can I stay safe?
What if I don’t want treatment?
Risky Behaviour and WithdrawalWhat if the pain is too much?
What can I do to improve my mood?
Can I go back to using the same amount?
What about using other drugs?
What happens after I withdraw?
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Lesson 12 of 16
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Can I go back to using the same amount?
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If you have gone through withdrawal from opioids, you may have lost your previous tolerance for the drug. If you decide to use the drug again, you should not use the same amount as before. Your body will not be able to handle this amount and you will be at risk of overdosing.