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Trauma Treatment

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Treatment Options Overview

There are many ways for you to begin to cope and manage the impacts trauma has had on your life. These options can help you to regain a sense of control of your life and also help you to better manage some of the thoughts and feelings that experiencing a trauma can bring. 

Some of these include:

Speaking with a counselor/therapist or doing cognitive behavioural therapy. This is a form of therapy where you talk with a therapist. It helps you to recognize and change thought patterns or beliefs that are harmful for you. It is one of the most common treatment methods. 

Exposure Therapy (specifically for PTSD). A form of therapy where you are ‘exposed’ to things you fear and avoid. This can help you deal with the avoidance symptoms related to PTSD.

Counseling. You may also seek counselling that focuses on coping skills. An example of a counselling program for trauma is called Seeking Safety.

Other Lifestyle Practices. You may find that lifestyle changes can improve your daily life such as eating healthy foods, exercising regularly and spending time with loved ones. Read the next section for suggestions on how to modify your lifestyle.