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Trauma Treatment

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Coping with trauma can be overwhelming and exhausting. However, there are many practices and options to help you cope with the impacts of trauma.

It’s important to note that what works for someone else might not work for you and vice versa. Everyone is different, and the course of action taken is unique to each individual. 

Therefore, it’s important to explore different options to find what works for you and your life. Additionally, there is no one time that you might decide to address your trauma and the impacts it has had, it can begin whenever you feel ready.

This module is designed to provide more information about different ways to cope with the impacts of trauma. This is not meant to replace a professional’s opinion.

There are many ways to go about trauma treatment. Treating trauma can include lifestyle changes, going to therapy or counseling or taking medications to help cope with some of the symptoms you might be facing after a trauma.

Trauma treatment refers to specifically treating the trauma you have experienced. 

Trauma-informed care refers to an approach that involves providing services and treatments from a trauma-informed perspective.

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