Lesson 3 of 7
In Progress


Research has shown that there is a link between substance use and trauma.

Individuals who have experienced trauma are more likely than others who have not experienced trauma to experience substance use issues.

Below are some statistics to help contextualize this relationship:

  • According to the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, adolescents with PTSD are 6 times more likely to experience marijuana abuse or dependence, and 9 times more likely to experience hard drug abuse or dependence.
  • Women with PTSD were approximately 4 times more likely to meet criteria for drug abuse/dependence than women without PTSD.
  • Approximately 46% of people who had PTSD also met the criteria for substance use disorder.

Adolescents who experienced physical or sexual abuse/assault were 3 times more likely to have or have current substance use issues than those without.