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Risk Management
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Introduction to Risk ManagementWhat is Risk Management?
Importance of Risk Management
How Do I Set a Goal?
Reflection Activity: What I Want and What is Important to Me
High-Risk SituationsWhat Can Lead to My Increased Risk
What Else Can Increase My Risk
Activity: What Are My Triggers
Activity: What Else Increases Risk?
CrisisWhat Is a Crisis?
What Are 5 Things I Can Do During a Crisis?
What Types of Support are Available and How Can I Access it?
Crisis Plan Worksheet
Development and GrowthWhat's Emotion Got To Do With It?
Activity: Self-Reflection
Summary: Emotions
What's Thoughts Got To Do With It?
What If I'm Craving To Use?
Activity: Coping Strategies
Summary: Thoughts
AnchorsWhat is Recovery?
What are Some Anchors of Recovery?
Activity: Substance Use Demotivators and Motivators + Pros and Cons of Recovery
Lesson 23 of 23
In Progress
Activity: Substance Use Demotivators and Motivators + Pros and Cons of Recovery
Rate how motivated you are to change your behaviour (on a scale of 1-10)
- What led you to choose your number (with 10 representing very motivated and 0 being not motivated at all)?
- What might need to happen that would change your current number to a higher number?
Think about things that can hurt or damage your motivation to change. What are they? Be specific with each one. For example, a fear of what may lead to damage to your motivation.
- Fear
- Criticism
- No progress or recognition
- Other
What can we do to not allow these things to hurt our motivation?
- Keeping busy
- Talking to friends/family/sponsors
- Getting involved in something meaningful
- Turning to my religion or spirituality
On a piece of paper, list the pros and cons of staying in recovery and the pros and cons of continuing your drug use
How will your life change if you decide to change your behaviour?
How does your current behaviour affect the important areas of your life?
How will your life change if you decide to change your behaviour?
How does your current behaviour affect the important areas of your life?