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Risk Management
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Introduction to Risk ManagementWhat is Risk Management?
Importance of Risk Management
How Do I Set a Goal?
Reflection Activity: What I Want and What is Important to Me
High-Risk SituationsWhat Can Lead to My Increased Risk
What Else Can Increase My Risk
Activity: What Are My Triggers
Activity: What Else Increases Risk?
CrisisWhat Is a Crisis?
What Are 5 Things I Can Do During a Crisis?
What Types of Support are Available and How Can I Access it?
Crisis Plan Worksheet
Development and GrowthWhat's Emotion Got To Do With It?
Activity: Self-Reflection
Summary: Emotions
What's Thoughts Got To Do With It?
What If I'm Craving To Use?
Activity: Coping Strategies
Summary: Thoughts
AnchorsWhat is Recovery?
What are Some Anchors of Recovery?
Activity: Substance Use Demotivators and Motivators + Pros and Cons of Recovery
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Lesson 8 of 23
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Activity: What Else Increases Risk?
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Seemingly irrelevant decisions that could increase your risk
Think about your last relapse
1. What situations led up to the relapse?
2. What decisions did you make that led you to relapse?
3. What prevented you from noticing your triggers?
4. What could help you better cope with your relapse?
5. How can you prepare yourself for when cravings come up?
You can answer these questions by writing down your responses on a piece of paper. You can also document your thoughts in the Journal section (LINK).
When you’re making daily decisions like these, think about what options you have and their results. As yourself, how high is your risk of use for each option?