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Problem Solving
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0/16 Steps
What are the steps in problem solving?
Meet your Problem Solving Partners
1. Identify the ProblemIdentify the problem
2. Define the ProblemDefine the problem
The 5 W’s
State the problem
3. ExploreFind Solutions
How do I know I’m on the right track?
Creative vs. logical thinking
Creative thinking
Logical thinking
Evaluate your solutions
4. Create an Action PlanThe SMART plan
Evaluate your plan
Tips for taking action
5. Review Your PlanReview your plan
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Lesson 6 of 16
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State the problem
Before trying to find solutions, it’s helpful to write a statement of the problem.
Click on the names below to see how each of your companions defined their problems:
“I feel tired and weak at work, missing important information because I often go to bed after midnight when I have to get up at 5am.”
“I’m at a higher risk of overdosing (and possibly dying) when I use fentanyl alone in my room.”
“My heroin use has been affecting my work and my relationship with my family and kids because I have been hiding it from them.”
Now you can write a statement of your problem.