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What is a pandemic?
Past Pandemics
What does the COVID-19 pandemic mean for me?
COVID-19 symptoms
When do I need to talk to a health professional?
How does COVID-19 spread?
Why should I get vaccinated?
Should I wear a mask?
Should I wear gloves?
What if I can’t physically distance?
What if I don’t have a place to wash my hands?
COVID-19 Variants
Self-care during the pandemic
Using drugs and alcohol during the COVID-19 pandemic
Having a weak immune system during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Opioid overdose and COVID-19
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Lesson 14 of 18
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Using drugs and alcohol during the COVID-19 pandemic
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The use of alcohol during COVID-19 pandemic has increased. Do you want to monitor your drinking?
The following is the recommendations for women and men regarding the use of alcohol:
- 2 drinks per day
- 10 drinks per week
- 3 drinks per day
- 15 drinks per week
You might ask how much is 1 drink?
- 1 bottle of beer or
- Half a glass of wine or
- 1 shot of hard liquor (vodka, rum, tequila etc.)
These are difficult times for everyone. If you are stressed, anxious or fearful, alcohol is NOT the only way to cope. You can call 1-800-663-1441 or 604-660-9382 for resources and to get help.
Using Cannabis to cope with anxiety during the pandemic can also have some negative effects.
To learn more about this, watch the video here: