Lesson 3 of 28
In Progress

Medical Use

What are the medical vs. non-medical uses of fentanyl? 

  • In some instances, fentanyl is used medically to treat breakthrough instances of pain. Fentanyl is an opioid, a class of drug that changes the way the brain and body respond to pain.
  •  For medical purposes, you may take prescribed fentanyl in the form of tablets, injections, skin patches.
  • For example, cancer patients may be administered fentanyl in the form of a lozenge or a tablet to help reduce their pain.

In non-medical uses, one might experience a quick rush of well-being (euphoria) when fentanyl is injected, smoked, snorted, or ingested in high doses. Euphoria is often followed by a period of calm lasting 1 to 2 hours.