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Safer Injection
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Supervised Injection SitesNeedle exchange vs needle distribution?
What are supervised injection sites?
Will I get in trouble?
What services are available?
How does it work?
Do I have to go to treatment if I use a SIS?
Is all my information confidential?
What is in it for me?
Where can I access SISs?
Drug CheckingWhy should I check my drugs?
What is Fentanyl?
Where can I check my drugs?
What if I can't always get my drugs checked?
Safer InjectionWhat if I don't want to use an SIS?
What if I only share needles with people I trust?
How can I use safer with a group?
What are the risks?
How can I avoid getting an infection?
How does withdrawal effect my ability to inject?
What if I mix drugs?
Things to keep in mind
How do I inject in a safer way?How do you prepare before injecting?
What if I’m crushing and adding water to my drugs?
What are the different ways to inject?
Where should I inject?
How do I take care of my veins?
Putting it all together
Self Harm / Suicide
FAQFrequently Asked Questions
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Lesson 20 of 29
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What if I mix drugs?
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Using more than one drug can make it hard to make safe decisions about how much to take of each drug. Drugs and alcohol can slow reaction times and decrease nerve endings, making self injuring behaviors even more dangerous while under the influence. For example, someone who incorrectly injects may cause serious or even fatal wounds before realizing the depth or severity.
You are also at an increased risk of overdosing. Mixing pills, alcohol, methadone, and heroin can quickly lead to overdose. Some drugs are slower acting then others. You can increase the risk of overdosing by taking too much at once without realising. Some drugs increase the strength (potency) of others.