Lesson 7 of 16
In Progress

Find Solutions

The next step is to develop a strategy to solve the problem.


In order to find solutions on solving your problems, you should set a goal: What do you want the situation to be like once the problem is solved?

The goal should be objective, behavioural, achievable and general:

  • Objective: The goal should be measurable so that you can observe whether or not you accomplished it.
  • Behavioural: The goal should involve an actual change in your behavior that you have direct control over.
  • Achievable: The goal should be something that is within your means to accomplish over a short period of time
  • General: The goal should allow room for thinking about multiple solutions to meet the goal.

Click on the names below to see how each of your problem solving partners set their goals:

“I want to sleep 7 hours for 4 nights of the next week”

“I will let someone in my housing know when I’m using in my room”

“I want to use no more than 3 times/day for the next week.”

Now come up with a goal for your stated problem.