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Safer Injection
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Supervised Injection SitesNeedle exchange vs needle distribution?
What are supervised injection sites?
Will I get in trouble?
What services are available?
How does it work?
Do I have to go to treatment if I use a SIS?
Is all my information confidential?
What is in it for me?
Where can I access SISs?
Drug CheckingWhy should I check my drugs?
What is Fentanyl?
Where can I check my drugs?
What if I can't always get my drugs checked?
Safer InjectionWhat if I don't want to use an SIS?
What if I only share needles with people I trust?
How can I use safer with a group?
What are the risks?
How can I avoid getting an infection?
How does withdrawal effect my ability to inject?
What if I mix drugs?
Things to keep in mind
How do I inject in a safer way?How do you prepare before injecting?
What if I’m crushing and adding water to my drugs?
What are the different ways to inject?
Where should I inject?
How do I take care of my veins?
Putting it all together
Self Harm / Suicide
FAQFrequently Asked Questions
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Lesson 5 of 29
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How does it work?
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Clients bring their own drugs and are provided with clean supplies. They can inject under supervision within a cubicle with a nurse near. Once done using, clients are taken to a waiting room to monitor for bad reactions. This is also where clients can access more resources.
Insite is a supervised injection site in Vancouver. This video explains how they work.