Lesson 14 of 16
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What happens after I withdraw?

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0/16 Steps

Withdrawal by itself is not a treatment but it can be an important starting point. If it seems like your withdrawal symptoms are gone, but you are not in treatment (this can include counselling, ongoing social support, …), you are at a high risk of relapse. Seek ongoing support and remember that this is a journey and you have already taken the most important first steps.

Addiction in The Long Term

  • There is no cure for addiction
  • There are medications to ease cravings or calm down withdrawals
  • recovery starts with you
  • true recovery is knowing how to deal with temptation
  • Keep yourself clean after you stop taking medication
  • The real goal of recovery is to beat addiction without extra support

True recovery starts with you. Addiction creates some deeply rooted habits and embedded beliefs in you, and those are the most important things to fight when you’re fighting your opioid addiction. If you try simply taking medicine and hoping it goes away, it’s just going to come roaring back when the medicine stops.